The new factory trawler to be built to a Skipsteknisk design for New Zealand company Aurora Fisheries is to be outfitted with an Optimar factory deck.
The 80-metre, 15.40-metre breadth factory vessel is getting several production lines, including a complete surimi system, and the daily production capacity is estimated at around 100 tonnes.
Optimar will supply processing lines for whole squid, jack mackerel, and fillet processing of southern blue whiting for surimi production. The setup outlined by Optimar includes heading, gutting, weighing, packing, freezing, and palletising.
Optimar is supplying horizontal freezers with a 100+ tonne per day throughput capacity, a freezing hotel and a compact palletiser, with frozen production stored on pallets in the refrigerated fishroom, facilitating faster and easier discharging.
‘We are proud to have won this contract and look forward to expanding our long experience in delivering onboard factories to New Zealand waters,’ said Optimar’s VP global sales Viggo Brevik.
Optimar has a long track record of supplying system to companies in New Zealand, going back to the factory deck for Amaltal Columbia that was delivered in 1996. Since then, Rehua, Independent, Aorere, Pacific Pride, Paerangi, Amaltal Columbia and Tokatu have all been outfitted with Optimar systems.