Icelandic pelagic vessel Huginn VE-55 this week landed the first mackerel of the season to Vinnslustöðin (VSV) in the Westman Islands.
‘The fish is fine, although there’s some feed in them,’ said VSV’s pelagic division production manager Benoný Thórisson.
‘Apart from that, I can hardly say what a great feeling it is to start the mackerel season and see everything in action after the lousy capelin season.’
Huginn landed 220 tonnes of mackerel that were caught south of the Westman Islands. Bad weather made it a difficult trip.
The failure of this year’s capelin season was a blow for the whole community in the Westman Islands last winter – and for the country as a whole. But people’s spirits have been raised now that the mackerel season is underway.
Kap II has also sailed, and more mackerel is expected shortly.