With a record number of applications from fishing vessel operators to participate in the Barents Sea capelin fishery, Norwegian vessel owners’ federation Fiskebåt is raising questions about the suitability of much of the fleet.
Fiskebåt has previously pointed out to the Directorate of Fisheries that a number of vessels have been signed up to the list, while there is no intention on the part of their owners to participate in the fishery. The thinking is that they are positioning themselves to be ready for furure closures of the fishery.
In its letter to the Ministry of Trade and Fisheries, Fiskebåt states that checks should be carried out on registered vessels to ensure that they meet the requirements, pointing out that significant investment in equipment and resources are needed to be part of the capelin fishery.
Fiskebåt also states its position that the system of drawing lots to participate in the capelin fishery is no longer appropriate and this needs to be replaced with a new and fairer arrangement.ction of a rolling system.