At the current International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) meeting EU has decided to push forward proposals for the conservation of Mediterranean swordfish, and tropical tunas and sharks, in line with the recommendations of the Scientific Committee. Media report says that the European Union and other ICCAT Contracting Parties agreed on management and control measures for the sustainable protection of tuna and tuna-like species in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean.
As regards bluefin tuna, the TAC for 2012 was set last year at 12,900 tonnes and is expected to be maintained, as no new advice has become available in the meantime. At the meeting it was decide that more attention will be paid to check that all Contracting Parties comply with the conservation and enforcement rules in place, in particular with regard to bluefin and tropical tuna, to ensure a level playing field between parties and to strengthen the measures’ efficiency.
The EU will continue to lead the development of an electronic Catch Documentation System for Bluefin Tuna (e-BCD) to further improve the traceability of bluefin tuna throughout the market chain, and to enhance the ability to detect fraud and deter illegal shipments. In line with Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki’s recent letter to ICCAT’s Chairman, the EU will propose to launch an initiative to consolidate and further improve scientific advice to facilitate sound and effective decisions by ICCAT fisheries managers.