Members of the European Parliament’s Committee on Fisheries have elected their chair and four vice-chairs for the next two and a half years.
Carmen Crespo Díaz from Spain was unanimously elected as the chair. Vice chairs are Sander Smit from the Netherlands, Giuseppe Milazzo from Italy, Stéphanie Yon-Curtin from France, and Jessica Polfjärd from Sweden.
‘We will defend the fisheries sector as a key socio-economic sector for the EU. It has an strategic role in ensuring food security in Europe.
One of the priorities is to have a constructive dialogue with all the stakeholders in view of the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), in order to adapt it to the real needs of the sector, a sector that wants to modernize to be more competitive and that needs to reduce the bureaucratic burden it currently faces,’ the newly elected Carmen Crespo said.
‘The new CFP should be a balance between environmental requirements and the competitiveness and profitability of the fishing fleet. We will also work in this term on new lines to support the fishing and aquaculture activity encouraging the generational renewal change and compliance with decarbonisation.’
The new Fisheries Committee has 27 full members, following the approval by the EP Plenary.