The search for capelin is in progress in Icelandic waters, with research vessels Árni Friðriksson and Bjarni Sæmundsson heading the search, along with commercial fishing vessels Sigurður, Sighvatur Bjarnason and Jóna Eðvalds.
Jóna Eðvalds takes the place in the capelin hunt of pelagic vessel Aðalsteinn Jónsson, which suffered damage during the exceptional storms that hit Iceland in the week between Christmas and New Year.
The search is covering the wide area across waters to the north of Iceland, although indications are that the capelin are concentrated to the west, based on research carried out at the end of last year.
The present search is aimed at obtaining a broad picture of the capelin distribution, after which the research vessels can work on establishing a more precise assessment of volumes and distribution. This research is then used as the basis to set a capelin quota for the remainder of the winter season.