As earthquakes rattle the windows and volcanic activity threatens to erupt close by, Grinadvík processor Vísir has seen a fantastic week’s throughput as more than 500 tonnes were processed at the plant.
Measures are already being taken in and around Grindavík in case an eruption does occur, and tremors have been getting stronger over the last few days. Emergency power systems are being installed, and plans to evacuate have also been made public.
But production hasn’t slowed down as Vísir last week put 294 tonnes of fish through its frozen production and 233 tonnes into saltfish production, according to Andrés Óskarsson who manages the company’s processing.
He commented that there was a similar week’s production back in March, but the biggest week of the year as in February when 535 tonnes were processed, and that fishing and production are currently going well.
‘We’re getting enough raw material, and it’s good quality. Last week we had landings from Fjölnir, Sighvatur, Páll Jónsson and Jóhanna Gísladóttir, as well as from line boats Sævík and Daði. These are all vessels run by Vísir, and in addition we had some catch from the Westman Islands trawlers Bergur and Vestmannaey,’ he said, adding that weather was good and all of these were full-fishroom landings.
‘There’s been fine fishing all through the autumn. Our vessels landed 2115 tonnes in October. The average weight for cod is around three kilos, and two kilos for haddock. It doesn’t get much better than that and things are looking good here, even if the ground is shaking under our feet,’ Andrés Óskarsson said.