Read more about the article Fishing gear gurus hold international trawl gear training course
This year’s International Training Course in Trawl Technology will be held at the end of October at the flume tank in St Johns

Fishing gear gurus hold international trawl gear training course

The International Training Course in Trawl Technology that takes place every second year has been announced for the end of October, and for the first time this will be held…

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Read more about the article First open forum for Fisheries APPG highlights recruitment
UK fishermen are getting older and the industry faces a recruitment problem, the All Party Parliamentary Group on Fisheries was told

First open forum for Fisheries APPG highlights recruitment

The first public event of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Fisheries has highlighted the recruitment problem facing the UK fishing industry, and the lack of young people entering the…

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Read more about the article Ending Slavery at Sea headlines key Regional Fisheries Meeting
The outcome of the annual Forum Fisheries Committee (FFC) Officials meeting has already been hailed as ground-breaking by the 17 members as well as by international NGOs present at the meeting. Image: FFA

Ending Slavery at Sea headlines key Regional Fisheries Meeting

The annual Forum Fisheries Committee (FFC) Officials meeting concluded with a headline decision to strengthen the regional harmonised minimum requirements for fishing licences with the addition of Crew Employment Conditions.…

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