Vónin and Crosby join forces on aquaculture hardware range

Vónin was involved early in the aquaculture business, drawing on its long background in many types of fishing gears, as fish farming grew rapidly in the Faroese fjords, and it wasn’t long before Vónin’s expertise was in demand across the rest of the Nordic region and in the UK. With a strong reputation for the quality and security of aquaculture installations, Vónin has now established an alliance with Crosby Europe, which also has a long track record in producing high-quality hardware designed to withstand the rigours of heavy use in the fishing industry.

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CFP continues to deliver

Last week’s delivery of the annual report by the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) on the performance of the Common Fisheries Policy concludes that stock status has significantly improved, although the rate of progress has slowed in the last few years. It also reflects an overall downward trend in the fishing pressure over the period 2003-2015 in the North-East Atlantic.

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